Activity 1

Please listen monologues from the link below! 

(silahkan klik logo Radio Suara Edukasi)

 Answer the questions below based on the monologues!

  1. What are the monologues talking about? 
  2. Discuss with your friends, and post your answer in comment !

Activity 2

Read aloud the text below!

Katie and her mum were witches. They could get work done just by casting a spell. Even so, they tried to live a normal life.

On Halloween, Katie’s friends made costumes of horrible looking witches. 
“Witches aren’t like that. We look quite nice,” said Katie. 

They laughed, “Katie thinks she’s a witch.” 

It made her really upset. Her mum told her that being a witch was useful even though sometimes people didn’t like them. On the night of Halloween, Katie didn’t want to join her friends in a trick or treat event but her mum told her to go. When she joined her friends, they laughed at her. 

“Katie didn’t dress up, because she’s already a witch,” Katie felt embarrassed but she said nothing.

At the first and second house they got biscuits and candies but not at the third house. Mr. Bones, the owner of the house, didn’t want to give them any treats.

“You’re just kids and I’m not scared,” he said. 

“But Katie’s a real witch,” said one of the kids. 

Mr. Bones just laughed, “That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard.”

Katie stepped forwards and cast her spell. The children gasped in amazement. Suddenly, Mr. Bones became a little hamster. 

“Is it fun being a hamster?” she asked. 

The hamster shook its head. Then she cast another spell and Mr. Bones turned back into a man.

“I’ll get you some treats,” he said nervously. 

Then he gave them many chocolate bars and biscuits. Having heard there was a real witch in town; people gave even more candies and biscuits to the children. 

“It’s not so bad being a witch after all,” Katie said to herself.

(Adapted from

Klik here to listen the audio !

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  1. I think the text tell us about a witch in Halloween.

    Achmad adib Faizy 9A/01

  2. It is a story of children that try to wear costumes like a witch in a Halloween party, and they got some snack for doing that.

    Annisa Nuril Husana (9b/03)

  3. Teks Organization

    Orientasi : latar belakang cerita, menjelaskan orang-orang yang terlibat dalam cerita, kapan dan dimana cerita itu terjadi
    Komplikasi : ketika permasalahan muncul dalam cerita
    Resolusi : krisis atau masalah tersebut teratasi, untuk lebih baik atau lebih buruk.
    Re-Orientasi : Opsional (tidak harus) boleh ada atau tidak ada.
    Unsur Kebahasaan:

    Fokus pada satu tokoh atau pelaku dan biasanya individual sehingga biasanya menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) seperti “I, we, she, he”.
    Paling sering menggunakan past tense baik itu simple past tense, past continuous, maupun bentuk past tense lainnya.
    Terkadang menggunakan dialog untuk mengajak pembaca berimajinasi sehingga ceritanya terlihat lebih jelas dan nyata (direct and indirect speech).
    Karena berurutan (kronologis), maka biasanya juga menggunakan kata sambung (conjunction) agar cerita terlihat runtut atau urut.

  4. Fungsi sosial: untuk menghibur pembaca
    Generic structure: orientasi-komplikasi-resolusi
